Biomass energy mainly includes firewood, crop straw and human and animal manure. Rural areas have a huge supply of biomass energy, which is mainly developed and utilized through biogas, biomass power generation, and biomass briquette. In this way, the impact of combustion emissions on the environment will be relatively small, in line with the requirements of a new era of low-carbon economy and sustainable development. Methane is one of the most commonly used rural fuel wood, crop stalks and human and animal waste in organic abandoned swamps or gasification processes. It is converted into fuel by microbial fermentation in a sealed environment. Feed and organic fertilizer are produced, which can be used for power generation, Lighting, cooking, so in the purpose of daily production and life, make the recycling of resources and promote the rapid development of agricultural recycling economy. In order to improve the efficiency of biomass energy utilization, biogas digesters should be built according to local conditions and fuel cleaning projects should be accelerated.