After implementation of the immediate measure (step 9), the process and material parameters of the pretreatmentand cathodic dip painting baths are checked again for any changes or for compliance with thedefault values.Effectiveness of measures after abnormalities in the sheet metal panel test routineThe inspection of the effectiveness of measures for the corrosion behavior takes place with the next monthlyrequalification sheet metal panel test routine. Additional scopes for validation can be specified according tothe coordination process of the departments involved.Effectiveness of measures after abnormalities on a requalification bodyTo obtain a result with higher statistics for the effectiveness of measures, sheet metal panel test routines canbe applied for coating and testing on the line for confirmation of the immediate measure.After an NOK result of a requalification body after the generation and implementation, it is imperative that abody with the same features is taken from the same pre-treatment and cathodic dip painting production line,to obtain the documented confirmation of the successful implementation of the measures.Effectiveness of measures after abnormalities of a CKD test procedureIf, in the context of the CKD test routine (sheet metal panel test routine and component routine), an NOKresult is measured to confirm the effectiveness of measures, components or panels must be requested again,with the exact description of the optimization measures taken and checked.