Children’s advertising covers all media, from traditional channels such as television stations to emerging media such as smartphone games. Some estimates indicate that children now spend more time watching TV compared to the entire school time. Introduce characters in movies, then convert them into TV series, and then sell them. Not only do marketers use cartoon characters to gain product recognition, they also use them in advertising, which blurs the line between content and promotion. Marketers use promotional methods to attract children, such as direct coupons, free samples and gifts, contests, and appearance events attended by licensed characters in schools and shopping malls. <br><br>When it comes to the Internet, marketers will personalize and personalize based on past Internet activities. Advertisements can be integrated with other content on websites designed to satisfy children’s interests. Marketers can use children’s psychology and market research to better understand the needs and motivations of young buyers. By studying information about children's behaviors, desires, and physical development, marketers can produce complex messages to attract children's consumers. Commercialization of schools is also widespread, and budget cuts have created an incentive to cooperate with companies.