

单列角接触球轴承只能承受一个方向的轴向载荷。此类轴承在承受纯径向载荷时,由于滚动体载荷作用线与径向载荷作用线不在同一径向平面内,产生内部轴向分力,所以必须成对安装使用。设计特点单列角接触球轴承只能承受一个方向的轴向载荷。此类轴承在承受纯径向载荷时,由于滚动体载荷作用线与径向载荷作用线不在同一径向平面内,产生内部轴向分力,所以必须成对安装使用结构形式1.分离型角接触球轴承这种轴承的代号为S70000,其外圈滚道边没有锁口,可以与内圈、保持架、纲球组件分离,因而可以分别安装。这类多为内径小于10mm的微型轴承,用于陀螺转子、微电动机等对动平衡、噪声、振动、稳定性都有较高要求的装置中。2.非分离型角接触球轴承这类轴承的套圈沟道有锁口,所以两套圈不能分离。按接触角分为三种:①接触角α=40°,适用于承受较大的轴向载荷;②接触角α=25°,多用于精密主轴轴承;③接触角α=15°,多用于较大尺寸精密轴承。3.成对配置角接触球轴承成对配置的角接触球轴承用于同时承受径向载荷与轴向载荷的场合,也可以承受纯径向载荷和任一方向的轴向载荷。此种轴承由生产厂按一定的预载荷要求,选配组合成对,提供给用户使用。当轴承安装在机器上紧固后,完全消除了轴承中的游隙,并使套圈和纲球处于预紧状态,因而提高了组合轴承的钢性。成对配置的角接触球轴承有三种不同的配置型式:①背对背配置,后置代号为DB(如70000/DB),这种配置的钢性较好,承受倾覆力矩的性能好,轴承可承受双向轴向载荷;②面对面配置,后置代号为DF(如70000/DF),这种配置的刚性和承受倾覆力矩的能力不如DB配置形式,轴承可承受双向轴向载荷;③串联配置,后置代号为DT(如70000/DT),这种配置也可在同一支承处串联三个或多个轴承,但只能承受单方向的轴向载荷。通常,为了平衡和限制轴的轴向位移,另一支承处需安装能承受另一方向轴向载荷的轴承。此外,还有一种可供任意配对的单列角接触球轴承。这种轴承经特殊加工,可以两个背靠背、两个面对面或两个串联等任意方式组合,配对组合的轴向间隙可根据需要选择,后置代号CA表示轴向间隙较小,CB表示轴向间隙适中,CC表示轴向间隙较大。万能配对的轴承,也可按使用要求配置成有预过盈的轴承,并以后置代号GA、GB、GC表示。GA表示配对后有较小的预过盈;GB表示配对后有中等预过盈;GC表示配对后有较大的预过盈 。角接触球轴承安装方法:高速精密角接触球轴承,主要用于载荷较轻的高速旋转场合,要求轴承高精度、高转速、低温升低振动和一定的使用寿命。常作高速电主轴的支承件成对安装使用,是内表面磨床高速电主轴的关键配套件。主要技术指标:1.轴承精度指标:超过GB/307.1-94P4级精度;2.高速性能指标:dmN值1.3~1.8x106/min;3.使用寿命(平均):>1500h。高速精密角接触球轴承使用寿命与安装有很大关系,应注意以下事项:1.轴承安装应在无尘,洁净的房间内进行,轴承要经过精心选配,轴承用隔圈要经过研磨,在保持内外圈隔圈等高的前提下,隔圈平行度应控制在1um以下;2.轴承安装前应清洗干净,清洗时内圈斜坡朝上,手感应灵活,无停滞感,晾干后,放入规定量油脂,如属油雾润滑应放入少量的油雾油;3.轴承安装应采用专门工具,受力均匀,严禁敲打;4.轴承存放应清洁通风,无腐蚀气体,相对湿度不超过65%,长期保管应定期防锈
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Single row angular contact ball bearings can only withstand axial loads in one direction. When this kind of bearing is subjected to pure radial load, because the load line of action of the rolling element and the radial load line of action are not in the same radial plane and generate internal axial component forces, they must be installed in pairs. <br><br>Design features <br>Single row angular contact ball bearings can only withstand axial loads in one direction. When this type of bearing is subjected to pure radial load, because the load action line of the rolling element and the radial load action line are not in the same radial plane, which generates an internal axial component, it must be installed in pairs and use the <br><br>structural form <br>1. Separated angle The contact ball bearing <br>is code-named S70000. The outer ring raceway does not have a lock, and can be separated from the inner ring, cage, and ball assembly, so it can be installed separately. These are mostly miniature bearings with an inner diameter of less than 10mm, which are used in gyro rotors, micromotors and other devices that have high requirements for dynamic balance, noise, vibration and stability. <br><br>2. Non-separated angular contact ball bearings <br>have a lock ring in the ring groove of the bearing, so the two rings cannot be separated. There are three types according to the contact angle: <br>①Contact angle α = 40 °, suitable for bearing large axial loads; <br>②Contact angle α = 25 °, mostly used for precision spindle bearings; <br>③Contact angle α = 15 °, mostly used for Large size precision bearings. <br><br>3. Angular contact ball bearings <br>arranged in pairs Angular contact ball bearings arranged in pairs are used for both radial and axial loads. They can also withstand pure radial loads and axial loads in either direction. This kind of bearing is selected and matched by the manufacturer according to certain preload requirements, and provided to users for use. When the bearing is installed and fastened on the machine, the clearance in the bearing is completely eliminated, and the ring and the ball are pre-tensioned, thus improving the rigidity of the combined bearing. <br>There are three different configuration types of angular contact ball bearings configured in pairs: <br>① back-to-back configuration, the rear code is DB (such as 70000 / DB), this configuration has better rigidity, good performance to withstand overturning moment, and the bearing can withstand Bidirectional axial load;<br>② face-to-face configuration, the rear code is DF (such as 70000 / DF), the rigidity and ability to withstand overturning moment of this configuration are not as good as the DB configuration, and the bearing can withstand two-way axial load; <br>③ series configuration, the rear code is DT ( Such as 70000 / DT), this configuration can also connect three or more bearings in series at the same support, but can only withstand axial loads in one direction. Generally, in order to balance and limit the axial displacement of the shaft, another bearing needs to be installed with a bearing that can withstand the axial load in the other direction. <br>In addition, there is a single row angular contact ball bearing that can be arbitrarily matched. This bearing is specially processed and can be combined in any way, such as two back-to-back, two face-to-face, or two in series. The axial clearance of the paired combination can be selected according to need. The clearance is moderate, CC means that the axial clearance is large. <br>Universal matching bearings can also be configured as pre-interference bearings according to the requirements of use, and will be denoted by GA, GB and GC. GA means less pre-interference after pairing; GB means medium pre-interference after pairing; GC means larger pre-interference after pairing. <br><br>Angular contact ball bearing installation method: <br>high-speed precision angular contact ball bearings are mainly used in light-loaded high-speed rotation occasions, requiring high-precision bearings, high speed, low temperature rise and low vibration and a certain service life. The support parts of high-speed electric spindles, which are often used in pairs, are installed in pairs and are the key matching parts for high-speed electric spindles of internal surface grinding machines. <br><br>Main technical indicators: <br>1. Bearing accuracy index: exceeding GB / 307.1-94P4 level accuracy; <br>2. High-speed performance index: dmN value 1.3 ~ 1.8x106 / min; <br>3. Service life (average):> 1500h. <br><br>The service life of high-speed precision angular contact ball bearings has a great relationship with the installation. The following items should be noted: <br>1. The bearings should be installed in a dust-free and clean room. The bearings must be carefully selected and the bearing spacers must be ground. Under the premise of maintaining the same height of the inner and outer ring spacers, the parallelism of the spacers should be controlled below 1um;<br>2. The bearings should be cleaned before installation. When cleaning, the inner ring slopes up, the hand feels flexible and there is no stagnation. After drying, put a specified amount of grease. If it is oil mist lubrication, a small amount of oil mist oil should be placed; <br>3 . Bearings should be installed with special tools, the force is even, and knocking is strictly prohibited; <br>4. Bearings should be stored in a clean and ventilated place, free of corrosive gases, and the relative humidity should not exceed 65%. Long-term storage should be regularly rust-proof
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
单列角接触球轴承只能承受一个方向的轴向载荷。此类轴承在承受纯径向载荷时,由于滚动体载荷作用线与径向载荷作用线不在同一径向平面内,产生内部轴向分力,所以必须成对安装使用。<br><br>设计特点<br>单列角接触球轴承只能承受一个方向的轴向载荷。此类轴承在承受纯径向载荷时,由于滚动体载荷作用线与径向载荷作用线不在同一径向平面内,产生内部轴向分力,所以必须成对安装使用<br><br>结构形式<br>1.分离型角接触球轴承<br>这种轴承的代号为S70000,其外圈滚道边没有锁口,可以与内圈、保持架、纲球组件分离,因而可以分别安装。这类多为内径小于10mm的微型轴承,用于陀螺转子、微电动机等对动平衡、噪声、振动、稳定性都有较高要求的装置中。<br><br>2.非分离型角接触球轴承<br>这类轴承的套圈沟道有锁口,所以两套圈不能分离。按接触角分为三种:<br>①接触角α=40°,适用于承受较大的轴向载荷;<br>②接触角α=25°,多用于精密主轴轴承;<br>③接触角α=15°,多用于较大尺寸精密轴承。<br><br>3.成对配置角接触球轴承<br>成对配置的角接触球轴承用于同时承受径向载荷与轴向载荷的场合,也可以承受纯径向载荷和任一方向的轴向载荷。此种轴承由生产厂按一定的预载荷要求,选配组合成对,提供给用户使用。当轴承安装在机器上紧固后,完全消除了轴承中的游隙,并使套圈和纲球处于预紧状态,因而提高了组合轴承的钢性。<br>成对配置的角接触球轴承有三种不同的配置型式:<br>①背对背配置,后置代号为DB(如70000/DB),这种配置的钢性较好,承受倾覆力矩的性能好,轴承可承受双向轴向载荷;<br>②面对面配置,后置代号为DF(如70000/DF),这种配置的刚性和承受倾覆力矩的能力不如DB配置形式,轴承可承受双向轴向载荷;<br>③串联配置,后置代号为DT(如70000/DT),这种配置也可在同一支承处串联三个或多个轴承,但只能承受单方向的轴向载荷。通常,为了平衡和限制轴的轴向位移,另一支承处需安装能承受另一方向轴向载荷的轴承。<br>此外,还有一种可供任意配对的单列角接触球轴承。这种轴承经特殊加工,可以两个背靠背、两个面对面或两个串联等任意方式组合,配对组合的轴向间隙可根据需要选择,后置代号CA表示轴向间隙较小,CB表示轴向间隙适中,CC表示轴向间隙较大。<br>万能配对的轴承,也可按使用要求配置成有预过盈的轴承,并以后置代号GA、GB、GC表示。GA表示配对后有较小的预过盈;GB表示配对后有中等预过盈;GC表示配对后有较大的预过盈 。<br><br>角接触球轴承安装方法:<br>高速精密角接触球轴承,主要用于载荷较轻的高速旋转场合,要求轴承高精度、高转速、低温升低振动和一定的使用寿命。常作高速电主轴的支承件成对安装使用,是内表面磨床高速电主轴的关键配套件。<br><br>主要技术指标:<br>1.轴承精度指标:超过GB/307.1-94P4级精度;<br>2.高速性能指标:dmN值1.3~1.8x106/min;<br>3.使用寿命(平均):>1500h。<br><br>高速精密角接触球轴承使用寿命与安装有很大关系,应注意以下事项:<br>1.轴承安装应在无尘,洁净的房间内进行,轴承要经过精心选配,轴承用隔圈要经过研磨,在保持内外圈隔圈等高的前提下,隔圈平行度应控制在1um以下;<br>2.轴承安装前应清洗干净,清洗时内圈斜坡朝上,手感应灵活,无停滞感,晾干后,放入规定量油脂,如属油雾润滑应放入少量的油雾油;<br>3.轴承安装应采用专门工具,受力均匀,严禁敲打;<br>4.轴承存放应清洁通风,无腐蚀气体,相对湿度不超过65%,长期保管应定期防锈
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Single row angular contact ball bearings can only bear axial load in one direction. When bearing pure radial load, this kind of bearing must be installed and used in pairs because the roller load line and radial load line are not in the same radial plane, resulting in internal axial component force.<br>Design features<br>Single row angular contact ball bearings can only bear axial load in one direction. When bearing pure radial load, this kind of bearing must be installed and used in pairs because the load line of rolling element and the radial load line are not in the same radial plane, resulting in internal axial component force<br>structural style<br>1. Separated angular contact ball bearing<br>The code of this bearing is s70000. There is no lock on the raceway edge of its outer ring, which can be separated from the inner ring, cage and ball assembly, so it can be installed separately. Most of them are micro bearings with inner diameter less than 10 mm, which are used in gyro rotor, micro motor and other devices with high requirements for dynamic balance, noise, vibration and stability.<br>2. Non separating angular contact ball bearing<br>This kind of bearing has a lock hole in its ring groove, so the two rings cannot be separated. There are three types according to contact angle:<br>① The contact angle α = 40 °, which is suitable for bearing large axial load;<br>② The contact angle α = 25 °, which is mostly used in precision spindle bearing;<br>③ The contact angle α = 15 °, which is mostly used in large size precision bearings.<br>3. Angular contact ball bearings in pairs<br>Angular contact ball bearings in pairs are used to bear both radial and axial loads. They can also bear pure radial loads and axial loads in any direction. According to certain preload requirements, this kind of bearing is selected and combined by the manufacturer to provide for users. When the bearing is installed on the machine and tightened, the clearance in the bearing is completely eliminated, and the ferrule and the ball are in the pre tightening state, thus improving the rigidity of the combined bearing.<br>There are three different configurations of angular contact ball bearings in pairs:<br>① Back to back configuration, the post code is dB (such as 70000 / DB), this configuration has good steel property, good performance of bearing overturning moment, and bearing can bear bidirectional axial load;<br>② In face-to-face configuration, the post code is DF (such as 70000 / DF). The rigidity of this configuration and the ability to bear overturning moment are not as good as DB configuration, and the bearing can bear bidirectional axial load;<br>③ In series configuration, the post code is DT (such as 70000 / DT). This configuration can also be connected with three or more bearings in series at the same support, but can only bear the axial load in one direction. Generally, in order to balance and limit the axial displacement of the shaft, another bearing should be installed at the other support to bear the axial load in the other direction.<br>In addition, there is a single row angular contact ball bearing which can be matched arbitrarily. After special processing, this bearing can be combined in any way such as two back-to-back, two face-to-face or two in series. The axial clearance of the matched combination can be selected according to the needs. The post code CA indicates that the axial clearance is small, CB indicates that the axial clearance is moderate, and CC indicates that the axial clearance is large.<br>Universal matching bearings can also be configured as pre interference bearings according to the use requirements, and the codes GA, GB, GC are set later. GA indicates that there is a small pre interference after pairing; GB indicates that there is a medium pre interference after pairing; GC indicates that there is a large pre interference after pairing.<br>Installation method of angular contact ball bearing:<br>High speed precision angular contact ball bearing is mainly used in high-speed rotating occasions with light load, which requires high precision, high speed, low vibration and a certain service life. It is often used as the supporting parts of high-speed motorized spindle in pairs. It is the key accessory of high-speed motorized spindle of internal grinder.<br>Main technical indicators:<br>1. Bearing accuracy index: exceeding GB / 307.1-94p4 grade accuracy;<br>2. High speed performance index: DMN value 1.3 ~ 1.8x106/min;<br>3. Service life (average): > 1500h.<br>The service life of high-speed precision angular contact ball bearing is closely related to its installation. The following points should be noted:<br>1. The bearing shall be installed in a clean and dust-free room. The bearing shall be carefully selected and matched. The bearing spacer shall be grinded. The parallelism of the spacer shall be controlled below 1um on the premise of keeping the inner and outer spacer equal in height;<br>2. The bearing shall be cleaned before installation. When cleaning, the inner ring slope shall be upward, and the hand induction shall be flexible without stagnation. After drying, put in the specified amount of grease. In case of oil mist lubrication, put in a small amount of oil mist oil;<br>3. Special tools shall be used for bearing installation, with uniform stress and no knocking;<br>4. The bearing shall be stored clean and ventilated, free of corrosive gas, and the relative humidity shall not exceed 65%. The long-term storage shall be regularly antirust<br>
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