

表12显示了用户对财富管理系统中电子商务策略个性化方面的看法。每个指标基于加权平均值(WM)进行评估,加权平均值是用户的平均评级,并通过视觉重要性(VI)评级和相对排名(Rank)进行分类。下面是对表12中每个指标的分析:个性化推荐的加权平均值为2.79,与最低排名4.5并列。这一分数在“同意”范围内,表明人们普遍同意该网站提供个性化推荐,尽管它不属于评分最高的功能。巴多特拉和巽他的两因素理论强调了激励因素在提高个人满意度中的作用(2021)。个性化建议可以作为一种激励因素,通过满足用户的成就感和认可感,提高其对服务的满意度。根据贝兹布拉卡·别洛佐罗夫和海尔弗特(2019年)的市场营销理论,满足消费者需求是营销的核心。个性化建议能够更好地满足用户的独特需求,提供更加精准的服务。量身定制的内容和资源(我们财富管理系统网站上的内容和资源是根据我的具体需求和兴趣量身定制的)的加权平均值为2.83,排名第三。这一分数也在“同意”范围内,表明用户认可并重视向他们提供的定制内容和资源。根据普尔诺莫(2023)的需求层次理论,个性化服务可以满足用户的高层次需求,如尊重需求和自我实现需求。个性化内容还符合轰鸣的期望理论,该理论认为个体的行为由期望、工具性和价值三个变量决定。个性化内容提供了高价值的信息,增加了用户采取行动的动机。个性化通知和更新(我很欣赏从我们的财富管理系统网站使用个性化通知和更新)的加权平均值最高,为2.93,在各项指标中排名第一。这一分数在“同意”范围内,表明对网站的个性化交流非常赞赏。迪帕克和卡萨拉尼(2019年)的创新扩散理论指出,个体对新技术的采纳受到其相对优势的影响。个性化通知作为一种新技术,如果能提供明显的优势(如及时性、相关性),将更容易被用户接受宋。等(2021)的行为模型(FBM)也提到,行为发生的三个要素是动机、能力和触发。个性化通知可以作为触发因素,促进用户采取行动。记住偏好和设置(我们的财富管理系统网站会记住我的偏好和设置,以获得个性化的用户体验)的加权平均值也是2.79,与4.5并列最低。虽然仍在“同意”范围内,但这表明网站在如何保留和使用用户偏好以增强用户体验方面可能还有改进的空间。根据费科特·法卡什·维克托和拉克纳(2019)的忠诚度经济学理论,通过记忆用户偏好并提供个性化体验,可以增加用户的忠诚度和留存率MT Ballestar(2021年)的助推理论(轻推理论)强调了设计选择架构以影响人们决策的重要性。个性化设置可以"助推"用户做出更符合其偏好和目标的决策。增强的满意度和参与度(在我们的财富管理系统网站上使用个性化提高了我的整体满意度和参与度)的加权平均值为2.89,排名第二。该分数在“同意”范围内,表明个性化功能极大地提高了用户满意度和参与度。根据德赛(2022年)的满意度理论,满意度是一个用户经验的评价过程,个性化服务可以提高用户体验的正面评价,从而提高满意度106 .穆尔迪亚纳岛和哈贾乌(2020年)的自我决定理论强调了自主性在提高参与度中的作用。个性化服务能够提供更多的自主性,让用户感觉到自己的特殊需求和偏好被尊重和满足。所有指标的综合平均值为2.85,在“同意”范围内,表明平均而言,用户同意财富管理系统网站的个性化功能是有效的。分数相对接近,都落在“同意”范围内,这表明个性化的不同方面的一致程度。在“不同意”或更低的范围内没有指标,这意味着用户通常积极地看待个性化策略。通过这些理论和研究成果,我们可以看到个性化服务在提高用户满意度、忠诚度和参与度方面的重要性,它们为上述衡量标准提供了理论基础。财富管理系统网站通过提供个性化的建议、内容、通知和用户体验,能够更好地满足用户的个性化需求,从而提高整体的服务质量和用户满意度。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Table 12 shows users’ views on the personalization aspects of e-commerce strategies in wealth management systems. Each metric is evaluated based on a weighted average (WM), which is the average rating of users and classified by visual importance (VI) rating and relative ranking (Rank). <br>Here is an analysis of each metric in Table 12: <br>The weighted average of personalized recommendations is 2.79, which is tied with the lowest ranking of 4.5. This score is in the "agree" range, indicating general agreement that the site provides personalized recommendations, although it is not among the highest-rated features. Badottra and Sunda's two-factor theory emphasizes the role of motivational factors in improving personal satisfaction (2021). Personalized suggestions can be used as a motivating factor to improve users' satisfaction with services by satisfying their sense of accomplishment and recognition. According to the marketing theory of Bezbulaka Belozorov and Helfert (2019), meeting consumer needs is the core of marketing. Personalized suggestions can better meet the unique needs of users and provide more accurate services. <br>Tailored content and resources (the content and resources on our wealth management system website are tailored to my specific needs and interests) had a weighted average of 2.83, ranking third. This score is also in the "Agree" range, indicating that users recognize and value the customized content and resources provided to them. According to Purnomo's (2023) hierarchy of needs theory, personalized services can satisfy users' high-level needs, such as esteem needs and self-actualization needs. Personalized content is also consistent with Roaring's expectancy theory, which believes that individual behavior is determined by three variables: expectancy, instrumentality, and value. Personalized content provides high-value information and increases users' motivation to take action. <br>Personalized notifications and updates (I appreciate the use of personalized notifications and updates from our wealth management system website) had the highest weighted average of 2.93, ranking first among all metrics. This score is in the "agree" range, indicating a strong appreciation for the site's personalized communications. Deepak and Kasarani's (2019) innovation diffusion theory points out that individuals' adoption of new technologies is affected by their relative advantages. As a new technology, personalized notifications will be more easily accepted by users if they can provide obvious advantages (such as timeliness and relevance). (2021)'s behavioral model (FBM) also mentioned that the three elements for behavior occurrence are motivation, ability and trigger. Personalized notifications can serve as triggers to prompt users to take action. <br>Remembering preferences and settings (our wealth management system website remembers my preferences and settings for a personalized user experience) also had a weighted average of 2.79, tied with 4.5 for the lowest. While still within the "consent" range, this suggests there may be room for improvement in how websites retain and use user preferences to enhance the user experience. According to the loyalty economics theory of Fecot Farkash Victor and Lackner (2019), by remembering user preferences and providing personalized experiences, user loyalty and retention rates can be increased with the help of MT Ballestar (2021) Nudge theory (nudge theory) emphasizes the importance of designing choice structures to influence people's decisions. Personalization can "nudge" users to make decisions that are more in line with their preferences and goals. <br>Enhanced Satisfaction and Engagement (Using personalization on our wealth management system website has increased my overall satisfaction and engagement) has a weighted average of 2.89, ranking it second. The score is in the "Agree" range, indicating that personalization greatly improves user satisfaction and engagement. According to the satisfaction theory of Desai (2022), satisfaction is an evaluation process of user experience, and personalized services can improve the positive evaluation of user experience, thereby improving satisfaction 106. Murdiana and Hajau ( 2020)’s self-determination theory emphasizes the role of autonomy in increasing engagement. Personalized services can provide more autonomy and allow users to feel that their special needs and preferences are respected and met. <br>The combined average of all indicators is 2.85, which is within the "agree" range, indicating that on average, users agree that the personalization features of wealth management system websites are effective. The scores were relatively close, falling within the "agree" range, indicating the degree of agreement across different aspects of personalization. There are no indicators in the "disagree" or lower range, meaning users generally view personalization strategies positively. Through these theories and research results, we can see the importance of personalized services in improving user satisfaction, loyalty, and participation, and they provide a theoretical basis for the above measurement standards. By providing personalized suggestions, content, notifications and user experience, the wealth management system website can better meet the personalized needs of users, thereby improving the overall service quality and user satisfaction.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Table 12 shows the user's views on the personalization of e-commerce strategies in wealth management systems. Each indicator is evaluated based on a weighted average (WM), which is the average rating of the user and is classified by visual importance (VI) rating and relative ranking (Rank).<br>The following is an analysis of each indicator in Table 12:<br>The weighted average of personalized recommendations is 2.79, tied with the lowest ranking of 4.5. This score falls within the "agree" range, indicating that people generally agree that the website provides personalized recommendations, although it does not belong to the highest rated feature. The two factor theory of Badotra and Sunda emphasizes the role of motivational factors in improving individual satisfaction (2021). Personalized suggestions can serve as a motivating factor to improve user satisfaction with services by satisfying their sense of achievement and recognition. According to the marketing theories of Bezbraka Belozolov and Haier (2019), meeting consumer needs is the core of marketing. Personalized suggestions can better meet the unique needs of users and provide more accurate services.<br>The weighted average of customized content and resources (the content and resources on our wealth management system website are tailored to my specific needs and interests) is 2.83, ranking third. This score is also within the "agree" range, indicating that users recognize and value the customized content and resources provided to them. According to Purnomo's (2023) hierarchy of needs theory, personalized services can meet users' high-level needs, such as respect and self actualization needs. Personalized content also conforms to the roaring expectation theory, which holds that an individual's behavior is determined by three variables: expectation, instrumentality, and value. Personalized content provides high-value information and increases users' motivation to take action.<br>The weighted average of personalized notifications and updates (which I really appreciate using from our wealth management system website) is the highest, at 2.93, ranking first among all indicators. This score falls within the 'agree' range, indicating a great appreciation for the personalized communication on the website. The innovation diffusion theory of Dipak and Kassalani (2019) suggests that individuals' adoption of new technologies is influenced by their relative advantages. Personalized notifications, as a new technology, will be more easily accepted by users if they can provide significant advantages such as timeliness and relevance. The Behavior Model (FBM) of et al. (2021) also mentions that the three elements of behavior occurrence are motivation, ability, and triggering. Personalized notifications can serve as triggering factors to encourage users to take action.<br>The weighted average of remembering preferences and settings (our wealth management system website will remember my preferences and settings for personalized user experience) is also 2.79, which is the lowest on par with 4.5. Although still within the scope of 'agreement', this indicates that there may be room for improvement in how the website preserves and uses user preferences to enhance the user experience. According to the loyalty economics theory of Fickett Fakash Victor and Laknar (2019), by memorizing user preferences and providing personalized experiences, user loyalty and retention rates can be increased through MT Balles
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Table 12 shows users' views on the personalization of e-commerce strategies in the wealth management system. Each indicator is evaluated based on the weighted average (WM), which is the average rating of users and classified by visual importance (VI) rating and relative ranking (Rank).<br> The following is an analysis of each indicator in Table 12:<br> The weighted average of personalized recommendation is 2.79, which is tied with the lowest ranking of 4.5. This score is in the range of "Agree", which indicates that people generally agree that the website provides personalized recommendation, although it is not the function with the highest score. Badotra and Sunda's two-factor theory emphasized the role of incentive factors in improving personal satisfaction (2021). Personalized suggestions can be used as an incentive factor to improve users' satisfaction with services by satisfying their sense of accomplishment and recognition. According to the marketing theory of Bates Blacas Belozorov and Helfurt (2019), meeting the needs of consumers is the core of marketing. Personalized suggestions can better meet the unique needs of users and provide more accurate services.<br> Tailored content and resources (the content and resources on our wealth management system website are tailored according to my specific needs and interests) rank third with a weighted average of 2.83. This score is also within the "agree" range, indicating that users recognize and value the customized content and resources provided to them. According to Poernomo's hierarchy of needs theory (2023), personalized service can meet users' high-level needs, such as respecting needs and self-realization needs. Personalized content also conforms to the roaring expectation theory, which holds that individual behavior is determined by three variables: expectation, instrumentality and value. Personalized content provides high-value information and increases users' motivation to take action.<br> Personalized notifications and updates (I appreciate using personalized notifications and updates from our wealth management system website) have the highest weighted average of 2.93, ranking first among all indicators. This score is in the range of "agree", which shows that I appreciate the personalized communication of the website very much. The innovation diffusion theory of deepak and Ka Salani (2019) points out that individuals' adoption of new technologies is influenced by their comparative advantages. As a new technology, personalized notification will be more easily accepted by users if it can provide obvious advantages (such as timeliness and relevance). The behavior model (FBM) of et al. (2021) also mentioned that the three elements of behavior are motivation, ability and trigger. Personalized notification can be used as a trigger to promote users to take action.<br> Remember preferences and settings (our wealth management system website will remember my preferences and settings to get a personalized user experience), and the weighted average is also 2.79, which is tied for the lowest with 4.5. Although it is still within the scope of "agreement", it shows that there may be room for improvement in how the website retains and uses user preferences to enhance the user experience. According to the loyalty economics theory of Fekete Facas Victor and Lackner (2019), by memorizing users' preferences and providing personalized experience, users' loyalty and retention rate can be increased. The boosting theory (nudging theory) of MT Ballestar(2021) emphasizes the importance of designing a selection framework to influence people's decision-making. Personalization can "boost" users to make decisions that are more in line with their preferences and goals.<br> The weighted average of enhanced satisfaction and participation (using personalization on our wealth management system website has improved my overall satisfaction and participation) is 2.89, ranking second. The score is in the "agree" range, which indicates that the personalized function greatly improves the user satisfaction and participation. According to Desai's satisfaction theory (2022), satisfaction is an evaluation process of user experience, and personalized service can improve the positive evaluation of user experience, thus improving satisfaction. The self-determination theory of Moore diana Island and Hajjau (2020) emphasizes the role of autonomy in improving participation. Personalized service can provide more autonomy and make users feel that their special needs and preferences are respected and satisfied.<br> The comprehensive average of all indicators is 2.85, which is within the scope of "agreement", indicating that on average, users agree that the personalized function of the wealth management system website is effective. The scores are relatively close and all fall within the scope of "agreement", which shows the consistency of different aspects of personalization. There is no indicator in the range of "disagree" or lower, which means that users usually look at personalized strategies positively. Through these theories and research results, we can see the importance of personalized service in improving user satisfaction, loyalty and participation, which provide a theoretical basis for the above measurement standards. Wealth management system website can better meet the personalized needs of users by providing personalized suggestions, contents, notices and user experience, thus improving the overall service quality and user satisfaction.
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