第二章 项目管理在土木工程施工中的应用土木工程项目在施工过程中的每一个环节的质量都非常重要,每一个环节的质量都关系着土木工程施工项目的整体质的英语翻译

第二章 项目管理在土木工程施工中的应用土木工程项目在施工过程中的每一个

第二章 项目管理在土木工程施工中的应用土木工程项目在施工过程中的每一个环节的质量都非常重要,每一个环节的质量都关系着土木工程施工项目的整体质里,而且土木工程项目施工阶段中的所涉及的各个环节都比较繁杂,导致土木工程施工项目质量管理工作的有效开展十分困难;一旦土木工程施工项目中的某一环节在质量管理上出现问题,那么就会对整个工程施工项目质量造成景响。因此,针对土木工程施工项目质里管理中存在的问题,必须采相应的二解决措施,主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)控制土木工程施工项目中的安全隐患。土木工程施工项目质里管理的强化,必须加强土木工程施工页目中的安全管理。建筑企业应当重视土木工程施工项目质里管理工作的开展,聘请专业的管理人员进行工程监理,建立一个高素质、专业性的质里管理团队,合理的对土木工程施工项目中的施工设计阶段与施工阶段进行监理﹔还要加强土木工程施工项目质里管理人员的安全意识与责任意识,明确管理人员在土木工程施工项目质里管理工作中的职责,规范施工人员在施工过程中的操作行为,使每一个施工人员佩戴相立的施工设备进行施工,对施工现场进行及时、有效的清理,引导施工人员正确的操作机械设备,加强施工人员在施工过程中的安全意识,使每一个施工人员都能够按照施工设计方案进行施工。(2)提高土木工程项目中的施工质里。建立健全的土木工程施工项目质量管理制度,落实土木工程施工项目每一个环节中的质量管理工作,施工单位要根据土木工程施工项目建设的实际情况,制定相应的技术标与质量管理方案,还要重视施工现场建筑材料与机械设备的合理管理,对进入施工现场的材料质量进行严格的控制,合理选择施工机械设备,还要定期的检查机械设备是否处于正常的运作状态,防止施工材料与机械设备质量问题造成工程事故的发生。(3)提高管理人员与施工人员的专业化水平与综合素质。土木工程项目中的建筑企业,应当对管理人员与施工人员分别进行培训•加强管理人员在管理方面的专业知识理论与管理水平,提高施工人员的安全意识与施工水平,规范施工人员在土木工程施工项目中的操作行为﹔建筑企业还要针对培训制定出相应的考该制度,提高管理人员与施工人员的综合素质,还可以制定相应的激励机制,充分调动管理人员与施工人员在工作上的积极自主性,确保土木工程施工项目的整体质里。(4)质量管理1.筑材料和机械设备的管理:机械设备是整个工程建筑施工中的中主要保障,设备的选用、设备的质量以及操作人员的技术水平等发生差异,都会让整个项目的质量发送变换。建筑材料是影响施工质量的最基本的因素,材料是工程施工的物质条件,没有材料就无法施工,材料质量是工程质量的基础,没有高质地的材料,一切建筑施工质量都不会有保证。2.相关管理制度:无规矩不成方圆,工程建设施工是最为需要各种标准和规范的地方,现实中很多施工单位因为在施工前未能依据具体的施工实际情况来确定科学合理的施工方法,缺乏统一的施工标准,这对整个施工管理造成很大的困扰,使得管理者很难对建设工程的质量进行控制。因此,建设企业需要做好各类施工设计和施工标准的规划的同时,还必须确定各类建筑材料和工程机械的具体使用章程、材料领用的基本原则以及各种机械材料的护理仓储制度。通过相关管理制度的保障,可以使得各类建设材料、机械设备以及施工人员都能按照固定的规范进行操作和使用。建筑工程质量保障管理实行建筑工程质量保证的必要性: 建筑工程质量保证是为确保其工程质量,使用户满意并确信之的全部有效手段和活动。建筑施工企业实行质量保证最好的方法,是推行全面质量管理。企业各部门、全体员工共同努力,开发、设计、生产,提供经济、耐用、让用户喜欢的优良产品(工程),并进行售后(交工后)服务,使用户长期满意。这种质量管理是以改革经营思想、提高企业素质、扩大和发展有效经营为目的,谋求提高、保证产品质量和服务质量。建筑工程质量控制工程项目质量要求主要表现为工程合同、设计文件、技术规范规定质量标准。因此, 工程项目质量控制,就是为了保证达到合同规定质量标准而采取的一系列措施、方法和手段。根据工程质量形成的时间阶段划分,其质量控制相应的划分为事前、事中及事后控制。根据控制的主体对象不同,又分为施工机械设备的控制、对人的控制、施工方法的控制、材料的控制、施工工序的控制以及施工环境的控制。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Chapter 2 Application of Project Management in Civil Engineering Construction <br>The quality of each link in the construction process of a civil engineering project is very important. The quality of each link is related to the overall quality of the civil engineering construction project, and the civil engineering project The various links involved in the construction phase are complicated, making it very difficult to effectively carry out the quality management of civil engineering construction projects; once a certain part of the civil engineering construction project has quality management problems, it will affect the entire project. The quality of the construction project caused a sound effect. Therefore, in view of the problems in the qualitative management of civil engineering construction projects, corresponding two solutions must be adopted, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects: <br>(1) Control the hidden dangers of civil engineering construction projects. <br>To strengthen the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, it is necessary to strengthen the safety management in the civil engineering construction page. Construction enterprises should attach importance to the development of quality management of civil engineering construction projects, hire professional management personnel to supervise the project, establish a high-quality and professional quality management team, and rationalize the construction design phase of civil engineering construction projects. Supervision during the construction phase; it is also necessary to strengthen the safety awareness and sense of responsibility of management personnel in the quality of civil engineering construction projects, clarify the responsibilities of management personnel in the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, and standardize the operation behavior of construction personnel during the construction process. Make every construction worker wear phased construction equipment for construction, clean the construction site in a timely and effective manner, guide the construction staff to operate the machinery and equipment correctly, strengthen the safety awareness of the construction staff during the construction process, and make every construction staff Able to carry out construction in accordance with the construction design plan. <br>(2) Improve the quality of construction in civil engineering projects. <br>Establish a sound quality management system for civil engineering construction projects and implement quality management in every aspect of civil engineering construction projects. The construction unit must formulate corresponding technical standards and quality management plans based on the actual conditions of civil engineering construction projects. Attach importance to the reasonable management of construction materials and mechanical equipment at the construction site, strictly control the quality of materials entering the construction site, reasonably select construction machinery and equipment, and regularly check whether the machinery and equipment are in normal operating conditions to prevent construction materials and machinery equipment Quality problems caused engineering accidents. <br>(3) Improve the professional level and comprehensive quality of management personnel and construction personnel.<br>Construction enterprises in civil engineering projects should separately train management personnel and construction personnel • Strengthen the management professional knowledge and management level of management personnel, improve the safety awareness and construction level of construction personnel, and standardize construction personnel in civil engineering construction Operational behaviors in the project; construction companies should also formulate corresponding examination systems for training to improve the overall quality of management personnel and construction personnel, and can also formulate corresponding incentive mechanisms to fully mobilize management personnel and construction personnel to be active in their work Autonomy ensures the overall quality of civil engineering construction projects. <br>(4) Quality management <br>1. Management of building materials and mechanical equipment: <br>Mechanical equipment is the main guarantee in the construction of the entire project. Differences in the selection of equipment, the quality of the equipment, and the technical level of the operators will make the entire project Quality transmission changes. Building materials are the most basic factor that affects construction quality. Materials are the material conditions of construction. Without materials, construction cannot be done. Material quality is the foundation of construction quality. Without high-quality materials, the quality of all constructions cannot be guaranteed. <br>2. Relevant management system: <br>without rules, there is no square circle. Engineering construction is the place where various standards and specifications are most needed. In reality, many construction units fail to determine scientific and reasonable construction methods based on the actual construction conditions before construction. The lack of uniform construction standards has caused great troubles to the entire construction management, making it difficult for managers to control the quality of construction projects. Therefore, construction enterprises need to plan various construction designs and construction standards, and at the same time, they must also determine the specific use regulations of various building materials and construction machinery, the basic principles of material acquisition and the care and storage system of various mechanical materials. Through the guarantee of relevant management systems, all kinds of construction materials, mechanical equipment and construction personnel can be operated and used in accordance with fixed specifications. <br>Construction Engineering Quality Assurance Management<br>The necessity of implementing the quality assurance of construction engineering: Quality assurance of construction engineering is all the effective means and activities to ensure the quality of the project and make the users satisfied and convinced. The best way for construction companies to implement quality assurance is to implement total quality management. All departments of the enterprise and all employees work together to develop, design, and produce, provide economical, durable, and excellent products (engineering) that users like, and provide after-sales (post-work) services to satisfy users for a long time. This kind of quality management is aimed at reforming management thinking, improving enterprise quality, expanding and developing effective management, and seeking to improve and guarantee product quality and service quality. <br>Quality control of <br>construction projects The quality requirements of construction projects are mainly manifested in the quality standards stipulated by the engineering contracts, design documents, and technical specifications. Therefore, engineering project quality control is a series of measures, methods and means taken to ensure that the quality standards stipulated in the contract are met. According to the time stages of the formation of the project quality, the quality control is divided into pre-, during and after-control. According to the different main objects of control, it is divided into the control of construction machinery and equipment, the control of people, the control of construction methods, the control of materials, the control of construction procedures, and the control of the construction environment.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Chapter II The application of project management in civil engineering construction<br>The quality of every link in the construction process of civil engineering project is very important, the quality of each link is related to the overall quality of civil engineering construction project, and the construction phase of civil engineering project involved in all aspects are more complicated, resulting in the effective development of civil engineering construction project quality management work is very difficult; Once a link in civil engineering construction project has problems in quality management, it will cause a sound to the quality of the whole construction project. Therefore, in view of the problems in the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, the corresponding two solutions must be taken, mainly reflected in the following aspects:<br>(1) Control the safety hazards in civil engineering construction projects.<br>In order to strengthen the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, we must strengthen the safety management in the civil engineering construction page. Construction enterprises should attach importance to the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, hire professional management personnel to carry out engineering supervision, establish a high-quality, professional quality management team, reasonable supervision of the construction design phase and construction phase of civil engineering construction projects; Make every construction personnel wear the construction equipment to carry out construction, the construction site to carry out timely and effective clean-up, guide the construction personnel to correctly operate machinery and equipment, strengthen the safety awareness of construction personnel in the construction process, so that every construction personnel can be in accordance with the construction design plan for construction.<br>(2) Improve the construction quality of civil engineering projects.<br>Establish and improve the quality management system of civil engineering construction projects, implement the quality management work in every aspect of civil engineering construction projects, construction units should, in accordance with the actual situation of civil engineering construction project construction projects, formulate corresponding technical standards and quality management programs, but also pay attention to the reasonable management of construction site building materials and machinery and equipment, strict control of the quality of materials entering the construction site, reasonable selection of construction machinery and equipment, but also regular inspection of machinery and equipment is in a normal operating state, To prevent engineering accidents caused by quality problems of construction materials and machinery and equipment.<br>(3) Improve the professional level and comprehensive quality of management personnel and construction personnel.<br>Construction enterprises in civil engineering projects should train managers and construction personnel respectively, strengthen the management personnel's professional knowledge theory and management level in management, improve the safety awareness and construction level of construction personnel, standardize the operation behavior of construction personnel in civil engineering construction projects; Fully mobilize management personnel and construction personnel in the work of active autonomy, to ensure the overall quality of civil engineering construction projects.<br>(4) Quality management<br>1. Construction materials and machinery and equipment management:<br>Machinery and equipment is the main guarantee in the construction of the whole project, the selection of equipment, the quality of equipment and the technical level of operators, etc. , will make the quality of the whole project send transformation. Building materials are the most basic factors affecting the quality of construction, materials are the material conditions of engineering construction, no materials can not be built, material quality is the basis of engineering quality, no high-quality materials, all construction quality will not be guaranteed.<br>2. Relevant management system:<br>No rules are not square circle, engineering construction is the most in need of various standards and norms of the place, in reality, many construction units because before the construction can not be based on the specific construction of the actual situation to determine scientific and reasonable construction methods, the lack of unified construction standards, which caused great distress to the entire construction management, making it difficult for managers to control the quality of construction projects. Therefore, construction enterprises need to do a good job in all kinds of construction design and construction standards planning, but also must determine the specific use of various types of building materials and construction machinery charters, the basic principles of materials for use, as well as a variety of mechanical materials nursing storage system. Through the relevant management system, can make all kinds of construction materials, machinery and equipment and construction personnel can be in accordance with the fixed norms of operation and use.<br>Quality assurance management of construction projects<br>The necessity of implementing the quality assurance of construction works: The quality assurance of construction works is all effective means and activities to ensure the quality of the works, to satisfy the user and to be assured of them. The best way for construction enterprises to implement quality assurance is to implement total quality management. Enterprise departments, all staff to work together to develop, design, production, to provide economic, durable, so that users like the excellent products (engineering), and after-sales (post-work) services, so that users long-term satisfaction. This kind of quality management is aimed at reforming the management thought, improving the quality of enterprises, expanding and developing effective operation, and seeks to improve and ensure the quality of products and services.<br>Quality control of construction projects<br>The quality requirements of engineering projects are mainly reflected in the quality standards stipulated in engineering contracts, design documents and technical specifications. Therefore, the quality control of engineering projects is to ensure that the quality standards stipulated in the contract to take a series of measures, methods and means. According to the time stage of project quality formation, its quality control is divided into pre-, in-process and after-the-fact control. According to the main object of control, it is divided into the control of construction machinery and equipment, the control of human beings, the control of construction methods, the control of materials, the control of construction process and the control of construction environment.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
The second chapter is the application of project management in civil engineering construction<br>The quality of every link in the construction process of civil engineering project is very important, and the quality of every link is related to the overall quality of civil engineering construction project, and the various links involved in the construction stage of civil engineering project are complex, which makes it very difficult to effectively carry out the quality management of civil engineering construction project; Once there is a problem in the quality management of a certain link in the civil engineering construction project, it will have a great impact on the quality of the whole construction project. Therefore, in view of the problems existing in the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, we must adopt the corresponding two solutions, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects:<br>(1) Control of civil engineering construction project safety risks.<br>To strengthen the quality management of civil engineering construction project, we must strengthen the safety management of civil engineering construction page. Construction enterprises should pay attention to the quality management of civil engineering construction projects, employ professional management personnel for engineering supervision, establish a high-quality and professional quality management team, reasonably supervise the construction design stage and construction stage of civil engineering construction projects, and strengthen the safety awareness and responsibility of quality management personnel of civil engineering construction projects The responsibility of the management personnel in the quality management of civil engineering construction project should be clarified, the operation behavior of the construction personnel in the construction process should be standardized, so that each construction personnel can wear the construction equipment to carry out the construction, the construction site should be cleaned up timely and effectively, the construction personnel should be guided to operate the mechanical equipment correctly, and the safety of the construction personnel in the construction process should be strengthened Full consciousness, so that every construction personnel can carry out the construction according to the construction design scheme.<br>(2) Improve the construction quality of civil engineering projects.<br>To establish and improve the quality management system of civil engineering construction project, and implement the quality management work in every link of civil engineering construction project, the construction unit should formulate the corresponding technical bid and quality management scheme according to the actual situation of civil engineering construction project construction, and pay attention to the reasonable management of construction materials and mechanical equipment on the construction site, and control the materials entering the construction site Strictly control the quality, reasonably select the construction machinery and equipment, and regularly check whether the machinery and equipment are in normal operation state, so as to prevent the engineering accidents caused by the quality problems of construction materials and machinery and equipment.<br>(3) Improve the professional level and comprehensive quality of management and construction personnel.<br>The construction enterprises in civil engineering projects should train the management personnel and construction personnel respectively, strengthen the professional knowledge theory and management level of the management personnel, improve the safety awareness and construction level of the construction personnel, and standardize the operation behavior of the construction personnel in civil engineering construction projects; the construction enterprises should also formulate the corresponding examination system for the training, To improve the comprehensive quality of the management and construction personnel, we can also formulate the corresponding incentive mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and autonomy of the management and construction personnel in the work, and ensure the overall quality of the civil engineering construction project.<br>(4) Quality management<br>1. Management of building materials and mechanical equipment:<br>Mechanical equipment is the main guarantee in the whole project construction. The differences in the selection of equipment, the quality of equipment and the technical level of operators will make the quality of the whole project change. Building materials are the most basic factors affecting the construction quality. Materials are the material conditions of engineering construction. Without materials, construction can not be carried out. Material quality is the basis of engineering quality. Without high-quality materials, all construction quality will not be guaranteed.<br>2. Relevant management system:<br>There is no square without rules. Engineering construction is the place where all kinds of standards and norms are most needed. In reality, many construction units fail to determine scientific and reasonable construction methods according to the actual construction situation before construction, and lack of unified construction standards, which causes great trouble to the whole construction management and makes it difficult for managers to control the quality of construction projects . Therefore, construction enterprises need to do a good job in all kinds of construction design and construction standard planning, at the same time, they must also determine the specific use regulations of all kinds of construction materials and construction machinery, the basic principles of material collection and the nursing and storage system of all kinds of mechanical materials. Through the guarantee of relevant management system, all kinds of construction materials, mechanical equipment and construction personnel can operate and use in accordance with fixed specifications.<br>Construction quality assurance management<br>The necessity of implementing the quality assurance of Construction Engineering: the quality assurance of construction engineering is all effective means and activities to ensure the engineering quality and make users satisfied and confident. The best way for construction enterprises to implement quality assurance is to implement total quality management. All departments and staff of the enterprise make joint efforts to develop, design and produce excellent products (projects) that are economical, durable and user-friendly, and provide after-sales (after delivery) services, so as to satisfy users for a long time. The purpose of this kind of quality management is to reform the management idea, improve the quality of enterprises, expand and develop effective management, and strive to improve and ensure the quality of products and services.<br>Construction quality control<br>The quality requirements of engineering projects are mainly reflected in the quality standards stipulated in engineering contracts, design documents and technical specifications. Therefore, the quality control of engineering project is a series of measures, methods and means to ensure the quality standards specified in the contract. According to the time division of project quality formation, the quality control is divided into pre control, in-process control and post control. According to the different main objects of control, it can be divided into the control of construction machinery and equipment, the control of people, the control of construction methods, the control of materials, the control of construction processes and the control of construction environment.<br>
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