nterests nested in persons Since interests are nested within persons, it was necessary to perform a check on whether we were allowed to analyze (dis)continuity at the interest level, i.e., if interests from the same person were not more alike than interests from different persons. We conducted an intercept-only model in HLM7 Student Version (Raudenbush et al. 2011) with the mean-centered outcome variable “continuity” (uncentered Mcontinuity = 0.07) and calculated the amount of variance explained at level 1 (interests) and level 2 (person level). Only 11.12% of the differences in continuity were attributed to the person level, although the chi-square was significant (ICC = 0.11, χ2[42] = 119.94; p < 0.001). For the scope of this article, we decided to focus on the interest level in explaining continuity across contexts