The accumulation of radioactive iodine in the salivary glands, lacrimal glands, and gastrointestinal tract (including gastric mucosa and colon) is a common finding during whole-body scintigraphy in patients with thyroid cancer after thyroidectomy (103), and may be in some doses associated with radioactive iodine therapy. Play a role in related side effects (104). In salivary glands and lacrimal glands, NIS protein was detected in the basolateral membrane of all ductal epithelial cells (105, 106). Similarly, NIS immune responses were detected in the basolateral membrane of gastric mucosal mucosal epithelial cells and the basolateral membrane of the inner epithelial cells of colonic mucosal mucosa crypts (106). This indicates that NIS is involved in the active transport of iodine from the serum to these exocrine glands, and the pathogenesis of saliva, tears and gastrointestinal dysfunction after radioactive iodine treatment