Route of Contrast AdministrationIn the last two decades, the CIN literature has been dominated by reports of patients who have undergonecardiac angiography with iodinated contrast medium. Cardiac angiography differs from IV contrast mediumadministration in three major ways: 1) the injection is intra-arterial and supra-renal, 2) the injection requires acatheter that can dislodge atheroemboli, and 3) the contrast medium dose to the kidneys will be more abruptand concentrated [2,6,51,52].The overall incidence of PC-AKI in studies of cardiac angiography is higher than it is in studies of patients whoreceive IV iodinated contrast medium. Therefore, data from cardiac angiography studies likely over-estimatethe risk of CIN for patients undergoing IV contrast-enhanced studies [2,6].determinations for contrast medium use is inadvisable