Some 5G financial applications will gradually mature, and embedded financial services still need a long time to develop. Judging from the speed of application development, based on the large bandwidth and low delay of 5G, the most intuitive experience is that the network delay will be reduced to millisecond level, and the transaction, transmission and payment without delay will be realized soon. Network innovation, high definition video customer service, VR/AR immersive financial services and other technologies are currently in a period of rapid development. Intelligent investment, research investment, comprehensive and accurate risk control and intelligent operation and maintenance management, which are currently in the market startup phase, will become the mainstream in the next 2-3 years with the large-scale commercialization of 5G technology. With the maturity and improvement of coverage of 5G and Internet of Things technologies, comprehensive digital asset management and embedded financial services based on Internet of Things will also be gradually realized and are currently in the exploratory stage.