Pretty standard issue often discussed, many people think that slim waist is a kind of beauty, but I think it is not only a beautiful tribute to human appearance, but should be better appreciation of a person's character. I think that inner beauty is more valuable than outer beauty. <br>With slender waist undoubtedly enviable, but I will not bother to pursue this beauty. Because the human body is born with, we may not be about the thickness of your own waist, which is one of the characteristics of external beauty. Inner beauty that is a person of good quality, but each person's character can all be honed, you can shape and relatively good quality is even more precious. Obviously, slender waist can not be the only sign judge whether a person is beautiful. <br>Secondly, slender waist often impressive, so many people use it as a beauty standard. But the impact of a person's appearance to others and society tend to be short-lived. The inner beauty can often lead to more long-term and more profound impact. A man who has inner beauty, you get along with his friends will feel very comfortable, he can win more respect in the community. <br>So, why not put you in the waist attention to the thickness of the inner beauty of it, because of the inherent good quality is more precious than your waist slender, more beautiful.