"Conversational implicature" was first proposed by American philosopher Grice. It is the core content of pragmatics, has an important influence on pragmatics, and plays a very important role in verbal communication. The academic circles have different opinions on Grice's conversational meaning theory, and the new Grice's conversational meaning theory has been produced and developed, and Grice's conversational meaning theory has been supplemented and improved. First, the theory of conversational implicature is basically affirmed, but a further formal analysis of the relevant principles of the cooperative principle has been done, such as Horne. Second, while affirming the theory of conversational meaning, new principles have been added. Such as Leach, added a new principle of courtesy on the basis of the principle of cooperation. The new Grice's conversational implicature theory is an in-depth discussion and research on the classical Grice's conversational implicature, and it is a further development of the study of conversational activities.