The software used includes a specific tool that makes possible to perform the iterative process of adjustmentautomatically, but results obtained not always are good enough. Sometimes a correlation level good enough is notobtained and sometimes the values of the adjusted parameters have not physical sense. In the case of manualadjustment, each step of the process should be performed manually by the analyst, but this makes possible a bettercontrol of the parameter modifications. Depending on the difference observed between simulation results andexperimental temperatures, it is more advisable to use the automatic tool included in the software or to use manualadjustments. In general, if the distance between results is high, the automatic tool has more problems to convergeto reasonable solutions. So, in these cases it has resulted better the use of manual modifications of the parametersin order to get a better approximation before to use the automatic adjustment.The decision about which parameter should be modified in each trial depends also of the behaviour observed. Inthis point the expertise of the analyst to evaluate which parameter should modify is essential. In general, themodification of only one parameter in each trial seems more interesting because it permits to see more clearly theinfluence of this parameter in the thermal behaviour.