Another factor concerning SRM designers is the influence of dewetting on structural integrity. Moreover, dewetting elongation is one of the connatural properties of composite propellant. For the SRM grain whose propellant has different dewetting elongation, we can utilize the new model considering dewetting and the material subroutine to obtain the numerical structural response. The parameter of the dewetting factor with different elongation are given in Table 4. The comparison of the stress and strain with different dewetting elongation are summarized into the curves respectively. As seen in the Figure 14 and Figure 15, when the strain is lower than the dewetting elongation, which means the equivalent stress does not exceeds the stress threshold where the propellant is regarded to begindewetting. Then, after the stress exceeds the threshold, the numerical simulated results of the SRM grain with different dewetting elongation show the obvious difference although the values of other parameters of the dewetting factor keep the same