All high voltage wiring shall be clearly marked, and isolated from low voltage wiring. High voltage wiring shall beloomed in a bright red or orange, watertight, anti-abrasive, flexible conduit. High voltage wiring shall utilizegrommet less bulkhead fittings to pass through walls and bulkheads. The entire high voltage wiring circuit is water-tight. Power cables shall be flexible multi-strand copper with a hypalon or neoprene jacket. The jacket insulation israted at a minimum of 800 Volts. The conductor for traction battery and motor cable shall be sized for continuousoperation at maximum controller current without exceeding a 20 degree C rise above ambient temperature. Theconductors for other power cables shall be sized for continuous operation at their maximum expected current with-out exceeding a 20 degree C rise above ambient temperature. Connections between battery blocks shall be fastened,providing a contact area at least as large as the circular area of the cell post. Other connectors shall be selected andsized lo carry maximum expected current.