e) Connect the RLC load configured in step d) to the EUT by closing S2. Close S1 and turn the EUT on, making certain that the power output is as determined in step a). Adjust R, L, and C as necessary to ensure that the fundamental (50 Hz or 60 Hz) component of current IAC through S1 is 0,0 A with a tolerance of +1 % of the rated current of the EUT on a steady state basis in each phase.The purpose of the procedure up to this point is to zero out the fundamental frequency components (50 Hz or 60 Hz) of active and reactive power, or to zero out the fundamental The purpose of the procedure up to this point is to zero out the fundamental frequency components (50 Hz or 60 Hz) of active and reactive power, or to zero out the fundamental frequency component of current flow, at the utility disconnect switch. System resonance will typically generate harmonic currents in the test circuit. These harmonic currents will typically make it impossible to zero out an r.m.s. measurement of power or current flow at the disconnect switch. Because of test equipment measurement error and some impact from harmonic currents, it may be necessary to make small adjustments in the test circuit to achieve worst case islanding behavior. Step h) is performed to make these small adjustments.