The wide range of biological activities exerted by heparins resultfrom their biochemical properties. Heparins are negatively chargedpolysaccharides with an ability to bind a variety of molecules and toinfluence their activity. The interactions between heparins and othermolecules are mediated by certain physicochemical characteristicssuch as sequence composition, sulfation pattern, charge distribution,overall charge density, and molecular size [3]. The majority of the proangiogenic (e.g. fibroblast growth factors, vascular endothelial growthfactor, and tissue factor) and anti-angiogenic (e.g. tissue factorpathway inhibitor, endostatin, and angiostatin) endogenous substances can bind to heparin [2]. LMWHs are, on average, 5000 KDaweighing fragments of UFH obtained by enzymatic or chemicaldepolymerization under control [4].