New Growth Theory’s inclusion of knowledge, both codedand tacit, as a factor in understanding how business can functionalso has intriguing possibilities. Of especial value is the argumentthat technological knowledge has built-in value based on itscapacity to derive innovative ideas from practice. A question nowraised is whether, or to what degree, design can be incorporatedinto this concept of knowledge. To some degree knowledge oftechnological options can open the door to designs contributingto the process of generating innovative ideas. Innovative ideas,of course, are by no means the sole perquisite of designers,but whatever the source, all will need translating into tangibleform or definable process in terms acceptable to users, which isthe particular skill and contribution of design—its role can besummarized as humanizing technology. There is no significantconsideration of these factors in New Growth Theory which, forall its insights, remains embedded in the context of production.