43 Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test43.1 General43.1.1 While still in a heated condition, a power unit shall withstand for 1 minute without breakdown theapplication of a 60-hertz essentially sinusoidal potential of:a) One thousand volts plus twice the maximum rated voltage between:1) The primary circuit and dead metal parts; and2) The primary and secondary circuits.b) One thousand volts between live and dead metal parts of a motor.c) Five hundred volts between a secondary circuit operating at 60 volts dc or less or 50 voltsrms (70 volts peak) or less and dead metal parts; 1000 volts plus twice the maximum ratedsecondary circuit voltage between a secondary circuit operating at more than 60 volts dc ormore than 50 volts rms (70 volts peak) but less than 1000 volts (1414 volts peak) and deadmetal parts; one thousand seven hundred fifty volts plus 1.25 times the maximum voltagebetween a secondary circuit operating at more than 1000 volts rms (1414 volts peak), and deadmetal parts. Chassis-connected components are to be disconnected at the chassis.d) One thousand volts plus twice the rated voltage between the terminals of a capacitor useddirectly across the line prior to a rectifier or similar network, and between terminals of a linebypass capacitor connected between the line and the enclosure;