How many busbars do you have in-stock? I know FLO shipped you 5 sets W16, and 5 more will ship out W18 per your order request. And you’re requesting 10 more sets around W22. Due to all of the on-hand inventory, we will not be able to implement this ECO to REV5 until Q3. Thus, the CAPA cannot be closed until Q3. Had the ECO been signed-off at the appropriate time, a few weeks ago, we would have been able to order REV5 and we wouldn’t be in the situation. Now, we’re making magnets with busbars that have extra long cables on them that can produce a potential issue. The scrap costs are too high to scrap the parts.Baoling/Xiaogang Approve this ECO today. If you do not, then we risk sending more POs for REV4. Every day counts. We are in this mess because this ECO has not been approved sooner. A CAPA cannot be closed until Q3 due to this not getting signed off sooner, which I have been communicating about from the start.