The stress difference presents the following basic rules: <br>(1) The stress difference quickly reaches the peak value, and then drops suddenly and is maintained in a smooth trend until the end of shear. This speed usually increases with the increase of the applied confining pressure, and decreases with the increase of the saturation of the test piece. The yield stress limit also maintains the same trend. <br>(2) With the increase of confining pressure, the peak value of stress difference shows an increasing trend, and the shear modulus of soil (curve slope) shows a downward trend. <br>(3) Both the peak value of the composite stress difference and the residual value after shearing have been improved, indicating that the shear resistance has been improved. <br>(4) As the water content increases, the yield stress limit of the soil increases, which is 0~2, 1~3, 5~8, 8~16, indicating that its anti-brittle strength will decrease accordingly.