Ordering a relatively expensive clothing item like a leather jacket online can be a bit frightening, understandably so. I ordered an XL size jacket thinking that I was a little bigger than I actually was. After I made the order, I very quickly recieved a email from the seller thanking me for my purchase. I recieved it remarkably fast (only took 3 or 4 business days via DHL) and was immediately surprised by the quality of the jacket: a well made, real leather jacket. The downside when I got it was that it was actually a little large. Slightly too large to be comfortable. So I contacted the seller and within an hour, I recieved a response and he/she seemed happy to exchange the jacket for a size smaller. I shipped the jacket per seller's instructions and eventually recieved my better fitting jacket. The whole exchange process took about two weeks and the whole time, I was in contact with the seller and they responded very quickly to all of my questions and were very curteous. It fits marvelously, is comfortable, is incredibly warm.The customer service I recieved from this seller exceeds what I've recieved at most retail stores and is definitely top notch. Very prompt, very curteous and effective and informative.One thing to note about this jacket for potential buyers: The N7 logo is a patch. It's not embroidered on the jacket. There is another variant of this leather jacket out there where the logo is embroidered and does look slightly different. Some may think it looks nicer (admitedly it does). But if you look at pictures of the in-game character wearing this jacket, you'll notice that the version of the jacket with the patch is actually more accurate as it appears that Shephard's N7 logo is a patch and this logo is more true to the original design. If you want a closer in-game authenticity, go for this jacket. But that bit is purely personal preference; one isn't necesarrily better than the other.