Atbs8s51 has a total of 40 pins and can be roughly divided into four categories: power pins, clock circuit pins, DD pins, and control pins. The automation of the single chip microcomputer is realized in accordance with the needs of the data development and the structure of the single chip microcomputer.<br>3.2.2 data storage extensions<br>The node design topic describes the need for extended data storage, clarifies the type of data storage being controlled, and summarizes its performance and hardware circuit diagrams for C and data storage.<br>RAM chips commonly used in extended data memory circuits: Intel 611 (2xb), 6264 (8KB), 62256 (32KB), etc. Ram is used to store all kinds of data. The cs51 series 8-bit single chip microcomputer has 128am memory. The CPU has rich operating instructions for internal RAM. However, it is not enough to rely on a built-in RAM to obtain real time data using a single chip microcomputer or to handle large amounts of data. At present, you can extend the external data storage using the microcontroller extensions. Generally used external data memory has static RW (static random charge memory SRAM) and dynamic RM (Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM). The former typically has an 8-bit width, with high speed reading or writing speed that is easy to extend and limit, most of which correspond to the same number of pins. This is useful for electrical design of printed circuit boards. High power consumption. The latter is high integration, low cost, and relatively low power consumption. The disadvantage is that you need to add a refresh circuit and take extra cost. Since the address line of the extended off chip data memory of the MCS-51 single chip microcomputer is also provided by the P0 port and the P2 port, the maximum addressing range is 64 kb (0000 h fffh). In general, an SRAM is used in a small system that requires only 64 kb of data memory. DRAMs are often used in large systems requiring 64KB or more. Since the address line of the extended off chip data memory of the MCS-51 single chip microcomputer is also provided by the P0 port and the P2 port, the maximum addressing range is 64 kb (0000 h fffh). In general, an SRAM is used in a small system that requires only 64 kb of data memory. DRAMs are often used in large systems requiring 64KB or more. Since the address line of the extended off chip data memory of the MCS-51 single chip microcomputer is also provided by the P0 port and the P2 port, the maximum addressing range is 64 kb (0000 h fffh). In general, an SRAM is used in a small system that requires only 64 kb of data memory. DRAMs are often used in large systems requiring 64KB or more.<br>