REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATIONS (continued)COMPLY OR DO NOT COMPLYInterior Design of Fingerprint CaseThe interior layout must contain an appropriate foam inside to organise and secure fingerprint investigation equipment / items and consumables during storage and transportation.The case should be able to re-arrange and adjust the compartment to accommodate items of various shapes and sizes.BrochuresA brochure with photographs and specifcations of the fingerprint case that will be supplied must be attached with bid documentation as Appendix 1.SamplesBidders who went hrough the first phase of the evaluation will be required to submit the product sample for inspection to Supply Chain Management, 117 Cresswell Road, Silverton. Bidders wil be required to collect the product sample thet was sent for inspection within thirty (30) day after the bid has been awarded.The sample must be clearly marked with the Bid number and bidder's company пame.DELIVERYCOPLY OR DO NOT COMPLYTha end-user must be informed of the intended delivery dates and time in advance See attachment 1The water and dust resistant fingerprint cases must be delivered to sites by supplier.(see 2.2.1)A Delivery Note must be suppled to the End-user upon delivery.WARRANTYFull warrantyTne bidder must supply ne SAPS with the warranty certificate for the Fingerprint cases upon delver. The warranty certificates must indicate the validity period.the bidder must be able to replace damaged water and dust resistant Fingerprint cases if the damage was not due to the negligence by the End User within 30 days upon notification by SAPS