CL12c1: Thermal shocks with the frozen saline solutionThis test may be replaced by CL07d test if the EEE can withstand immersion CL12c1a: Possible splashing on EEE on vehicle. The DUT is stored in a thermal chamber at TmaxHF = 110°C for minimum 30 min after stabilization.It is then subjected to a water splash for 3s (salt solution at ambiant temperature).Duration < 20 s between storage’s temperature and water contact.Test according to the ISO standard 16750-4.Number of cycles: 20Salt solution:Composition of aqueous solution is ZnCl2 and NaCl 0,1 mol/lWhether 13,6 g/l in ZnCL2 et 5,8 g/l in NaCl.Operating mode: MDF 1.2 during testsOperating test after minimum 24h at room conditions. CL12c2: Climatic ageingTest CL12c1 must be done before on DUT without cleaning or wiping up salts deposits.Test CL12c2 must de done at least 15 days after test CL12c1 with ambient condition of storageTo avoid thermal shocks, temperature changes shall have to be done with speed around 2 °C.min-1. When relative humidity rate is not precised, atmosphere is without humidity contribution.Climatic cycle is made up of 3 successive levels:- 16h at TmaxEF and 95 % RH (if TmaxEF > 85 °C, then maximum temperature is set to 85 °C).- 3h at l temperature TminHF = -40°C.- 6h at temperature TmaxEF = 110°CNumber of cycles = 18.Operating mode : MDF 1.2 during testAfter test, DUT shall be stored maximum 48h in ambient conditions, and after, clean with tap water. A visual exam and operating test are done after on DUT