You can start to find the best calculation method for the whole world more quickly. Its calculation steps include the following seven steps: In the first step, the algebra counter is set to t = 0, and the maximum algebra T is set. Then, M individuals are generated as the initial group P (0), which is the delivery vehicle and the number of people. Step 2: Calculate the fitness of each individual in the group P (t). The third step: carry out a selection operation to inherit the best selected individuals in turn to the next generation, or to generate and then pass on to the next generation through pairing. Step 4: Perform crossover operation and apply the crossover operator to the group. Step 5: Perform mutation operation, make a numerical change to a mutant gene in the group, and finally realize the difference calculation; Step 6: Group P (t) obtains P (t + 1) according to a series of operations; seventh Step: The conditional judgment ends. If t = T, the individual with the greatest fitness in evolution is optimized, and the calculation ends. This approach can solve the best path of multi-objective logistics distribution, can quickly solve the problem of low efficiency and blind distribution in the logistics distribution process, can help reduce the logistics distribution costs of enterprises and companies, and increase the profit of logistics companies to promote transportation Industry and the rapid development of the logistics industry