3.100functionally grounded arraya PV array that has one conductor intentionally connected to earth for purposes other than safety, by means not complying with the requirements for protective bondingNOTE 1 Such a system is not considered to be a grounded array – see 3.102.NOTE 2 Examples of functional array grounding include grounding one conductor through an impedance, or only temporarily grounding the array for functional or performance reasonsNOTE 3 In an inverter intended for an un-grounded array, that uses a resistive measurement network to measure the array impedance to ground, that measurement network is not considered a form of functional grounding.3.101grid-interactive inverteran inverter or inverter function intended to export power to the gridNOTE Also commonly referred to as “grid-connected”, “grid-tied”, “utility-interactive”. Power exported may or may not be in excess of the local load.