Passage A:Accepting an Invitation in AmericaOnce you have accepted an invitation,it is better not to change your mindAmericans arrange the table and food for the numberof guests thcy haveinvited.Americans are particularabouttime.But they do not expect you to come“ontime”,rather 15 minutes later than the time specifed.For instance,if youare invited to come at sixthe host will expect you no carlicr than that timeand probably no later than fifteen minutes after six_It is an American custom to show guests around the house,but they do notexpect you to touch everything you sce.If you are interested in something yousee,you should ask for permission to touch it.At the table,conversation is general but you should comment on how goodthe food is.If you truly do not like the foodyou may say something abouthow niee it looks or ask how it is prepared.Except on a very formal occasionit is all right to helpyoursclfto more food.Do not wait to be helped every timeyou finish something.If you truly want something, do notsay "No" for the sake of politeness.