Research projects: Thank you for thinking about this, I like a lot of what you’ve detailed. We need to start with basics. So a major objective of your work will be to get as much data about where rTEM neutrophils go in the lungs and how their molecular and cellular phenotype changes as they infiltrate the lung tissue, both in unstimulated and stimulated (eg post intratrachial LPS or chemokine) lungs. This can be done with a combination of methods, eg transcriptomics, FACS and imaging. So I suggest that when you join us we introduce you immediately to the rTEM labelling method and our FACS facility. You will do this with Loïc. So hopefully in your first few weeks you can get a good understanding of the rTEM localisation in lungs (pulmonary vascular washout and/or BAL) and their distinctive phenotypes. So suggest you familiarise your self with the principle of our rTEM labelling method and also FACS methods for looking at ROS and phagocytosis etc...Transcriptomics can come later, far more important to get protein and functional data. As well as these, you can start to develop lung clearing methods to directly localise rTEM in diff lung compartments and ascertain their key functional features. Once we have more info on their characteristics we can make more informed hypothesis about their roles in physiology and pathology.