

近年来,能源消耗的日益增长和环境污染问题的日益严重引起了公众的广泛关注。传统化石能源因其使用方便、获得成本低被广泛使用,但带来的相应负面影响逐渐无法忽视。探索替代能源和可持续能源转换,以及建立相应的能源储存系统应对当前的能源危机已经变成一个急需解决的问题。氢能因为能量密度高、使用产物对环境友好,从众多新型能源中脱颖而出,被研究者认为是最有希望替代传统化石能源的可再生能源。目前,电解水分解制氢是大规模制氢最经济、最可持续的方法。然而,由于缓慢的反应动力学和高的超电势,当前开发的电解水产氢技术难以实现大规模的实际应用。鉴于此种现状,需要使用高效的贵金属催化剂(如Pt、Rh、RuO2等),以降低电催化反应的过高电位并改善反应动力学问题。但是,它们的高成本和低丰度极大的阻碍了大规模实际应用。因此,开发低成本、储量丰富、高效的非贵金属催化剂替代铂、铑等贵金属催化剂是一项重要且迫切的工作。本论文以设计、制备一种高效的自支撑磷化钴/钼异质结构催化剂为主要研究内容。利用碳布作为自支撑导电基底,通过气相水热法使非贵金属原位生长在碳布上,经过与次磷酸钠在氩气种简单焙烧,获得结构特点清晰、组成成分精确、具有异质结构的非贵金属催化剂,展现出优异的电解水催化析氢、析氧性能。具体研究内容如下:1.利用碳布作为自支撑基底,尿素、氟化铵作为刻蚀剂,六水合硝酸钴为原料,通过气相水热法合成氟化氢氧化钴前驱体。将前驱体与次磷酸钠在氩气氛围中焙烧,合成CoP/CC纳米线材料。将磷化钴与二水合钼酸钠通过气相水热法制得产物自支撑MoO2/CoP/CC异质结构催化剂。2.通过XRD、SEM、TEM等仪器表征,结果表明MoO2/CoP/CC纳米线在保持原本CoP/CC纳米线针状形貌的基础上,表面更加粗糙,晶粒变小,氧化钼均匀包裹在磷化钴纳米线表面。磷化钴与氧化钼之间有明显异质结界面存在,此界面能够增大催化剂的电化学活性比表面积,提供更多的暴露活性位点。氧化钼与磷化钴在异质结构中的协同作用也有利于提高电催化活性。3.电化学性能测试表明,以1 M KOH碱性溶液作为介质,CoP/CC、MoO2/CoP/CC催化剂材料在析氢反应中达到10 mA cm-2电流密度时所需的过电势分别为137 mV和120 mV;在析氧反应中分别为为350 mV和210 mV。同时电化学交流阻抗普与ECSA结果表明MoO2/CoP/CC较CoP/CC有更小的阻抗与更大的电化学活性比表面积。4.设计通过控制Mo/Co比例制备多组对比实验的实验方案,通过XRD、SEM、TEM等形貌表征观察Mo/Co比例对异质结构界面形成情况的影响,通过电化学性能测试找寻最佳催化性能情况下的Mo/Co比例。为实际应用提供一个有前景的电催化剂。
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结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
In recent years, the increasing energy consumption and the increasingly serious environmental pollution problems have caused widespread public concern. Traditional fossil energy is widely used because of its convenient use and low cost of acquisition, but the corresponding negative impacts gradually cannot be ignored. Exploring alternative energy and sustainable energy conversion, and establishing corresponding energy storage systems to cope with the current energy crisis have become an urgent problem to be solved. Hydrogen energy stands out from many new energy sources because of its high energy density and environmentally friendly products. It is considered by researchers as the most promising renewable energy source to replace traditional fossil energy sources. Currently, electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen is the most economical and sustainable method for large-scale hydrogen production. However, due to the slow reaction kinetics and high overpotential, the currently developed electrolytic water hydrogen production technology is difficult to achieve large-scale practical applications. In view of this situation, it is necessary to use high-efficiency precious metal catalysts (such as Pt, Rh, RuO2, etc.) to reduce the excessive potential of electrocatalytic reactions and improve the reaction kinetics. However, their high cost and low abundance have greatly hindered large-scale practical applications. Therefore, it is an important and urgent task to develop low-cost, abundant reserves, and efficient non-precious metal catalysts to replace precious metal catalysts such as platinum and rhodium. <br>This paper focuses on the design and preparation of an efficient self-supporting cobalt phosphide / molybdenum heterostructure catalyst. Using carbon cloth as a self-supporting conductive substrate, non-noble metals are grown on the carbon cloth in situ by gas-phase hydrothermal method. After simple roasting with sodium hypophosphite in argon, the structure characteristics are clear, the composition is accurate, and the heterostructure is obtained. The non-precious metal catalyst exhibits excellent electrolysis water catalytic hydrogen evolution and oxygen evolution performance. The specific research contents are as follows: <br>1. Using carbon cloth as a self-supporting substrate, urea and ammonium fluoride as etchant, and cobalt nitrate hexahydrate as raw materials, the precursor of cobalt fluoride hydroxide was synthesized by gas-phase hydrothermal method. The precursor and sodium hypophosphite were fired in an argon atmosphere to synthesize CoP / CC nanowire material. The product self-supporting MoO2 / CoP / CC heterostructure catalyst is prepared by cobalt phosphide and sodium molybdate dihydrate by gas phase hydrothermal method.<br>2. Characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and other instruments, the results show that the MoO2 / CoP / CC nanowires maintain the original CoP / CC nanowire needle-like morphology, the surface is rougher, the grains become smaller, and the molybdenum oxide is evenly wrapped On the surface of cobalt phosphide nanowires. There is a distinct heterojunction interface between cobalt phosphide and molybdenum oxide. This interface can increase the specific surface area of ​​the electrochemical activity of the catalyst and provide more exposed active sites. The synergistic effect of molybdenum oxide and cobalt phosphide in the heterostructure is also beneficial to improve the electrocatalytic activity. <br>3. The electrochemical performance test shows that with 1 M KOH alkaline solution as the medium, the overpotentials required for the CoP / CC and MoO2 / CoP / CC catalyst materials to reach a current density of 10 mA cm-2 in the hydrogen evolution reaction are respectively 137 mV and 120 mV; 350 mV and 210 mV in the oxygen evolution reaction, respectively. At the same time, the results of electrochemical AC impedance and ECSA indicate that MoO2 / CoP / CC has lower impedance and larger specific surface area of ​​electrochemical activity than CoP / CC. <br>4. Design experimental plans for preparing multiple sets of comparative experiments by controlling the Mo / Co ratio, observe the influence of the Mo / Co ratio on the formation of heterostructure interfaces through XRD, SEM, TEM and other morphological characterization, and find the most through electrochemical performance testing Mo / Co ratio with good catalytic performance. Provide a promising electrocatalyst for practical applications.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
In recent years, the increasing energy consumption and environmental pollution problems have aroused widepublic concern. Traditional fossil energy is widely used because of its easy use and low access cost, but the corresponding negative effects can not be ignored. Exploring alternative and sustainable energy conversion, as well as establishing corresponding energy storage systems to address the current energy crisis, has become an urgent problem to be addressed. Hydrogen energy, because of its high energy density and environmentally friendly use products, stands out from many new sources of energy and is considered by researchers to be the most promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels. At present, electrolytic water decomposition hydrogen production is the most economical and sustainable method of large-scale hydrogen production. However, due to the slow reaction dynamics and high super-electric potential, the current development of electrolytic aquatic hydrogen technology is difficult to achieve large-scale practical application. In view of this situation, efficient precious metal catalysts (e.g. Pt, Rh, RuO2, etc.) are required to reduce the high potential of the electrocatalytic reaction and improve reaction dynamics. However, their high cost and low abundance greatly hinder large-scale practical applications. Therefore, the development of low-cost, abundant and efficient non-precious metal catalysts to replace platinum, palladium and other precious metal catalysts is an important and urgent work.<br>This paper is based on the design and preparation of an efficient self-supporting phosphated cobalt/radon heterostructure catalyst. Using carbon cloth as a self-supporting conductive substrate, non-precious metals are grown in situ by gas-phase hydrothermal method, and after simple roasting with sodium hypophosphate in argon, the non-precious metal catalyst with clear structure characteristics, precise composition and heterogeneous structure shows excellent electrolytic hydrolysis hydrogen and oxygen analysis. The specific research content is as follows:<br>1. Using carbon cloth as a self-supporting substrate, urea, ammonium fluoride as an etching agent, cobalt nitrate in hexagon as raw material, through gas-phase hydrothermal method synthesis of cobalt fluoride pre-exorcised. The precursor and sodium hypophosphate are roasted in argon atmosphere and the CoP/CC nanowire material is synthesized. The phosphated cobalt and sodium dihydrated argon were self-supported by the gas-phase hydrothermal legal system to support the MoO2/CoP/CC heterogeneous structure catalyst.<br>2. Through the representation of XRD, SEM, TEM and other instruments, the results show that MoO2/CoP/CC nanowires are more rough on the surface, grain smaller, and zirconia is evenly wrapped on the surface of the phospanded cobalt nanowire on the basis of maintaining the original CoP/CC nano-wire needle-like appearance. There is a clear heterogeneous junction interface between phosphated cobalt and molybdenum oxide, which can increase the electrochemical activity ratio of the catalyst to the surface area and provide more exposed activity sites. The synergy between radon oxide and phosphated cobalt in heterogeneous structure is also beneficial to improve electrocatalytic activity.<br>3. Electrochemical performance testshows show that with 1 M KOH alkaline solution as the medium, the excess potential required for CoP/CC, MoO2/CoP/CoP/CC catalyst material to reach 10 mA cm-2 current density in hydrogen analysis reaction, and 350 mV and 210 mV respectively in the oxygen analysis reaction. At the same time, electrochemical AC impedance and ECSA results show that MoO2/CoP/CC has smaller impedance and larger electrochemical activity ratio of surface area than CoP/CC.<br>4. By controlling the experimental scheme of Mo/Co scale preparation for multiple sets of comparative experiments, the influence of Mo/Co scale on the formation of heterogeneous structure interface is observed by XRD, SEM, TEM and other morphological representation, and the Mo/Co ratio in the case of optimal catalytic performance is found by electrochemical performance test. Provides a promising electrocatalyst for practical applications.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
In recent years, the increasing consumption of energy and the increasingly serious problem of environmental pollution have aroused widespread public concern. Traditional fossil energy is widely used because of its convenient use and low cost, but the corresponding negative impact can not be ignored. It has become an urgent problem to explore alternative energy and sustainable energy conversion, and establish corresponding energy storage system to deal with the current energy crisis. Because of its high energy density and environmentally friendly products, hydrogen energy stands out from many new energy sources and is considered by researchers to be the most promising renewable energy alternative to traditional fossil energy. At present, electrolytic water decomposition is the most economical and sustainable method for large-scale hydrogen production. However, due to the slow reaction kinetics and high overpotential, it is difficult to realize the large-scale practical application of the currently developed electrolytic hydrogen production technology. In view of this situation, it is necessary to use highly efficient noble metal catalysts (such as Pt, Rh, RuO2, etc.) to reduce the over potential of electrocatalytic reaction and improve the reaction kinetics. However, their high cost and low abundance greatly hinder the large-scale practical application. Therefore, it is an important and urgent work to develop low-cost, abundant and efficient non noble metal catalysts to replace platinum, rhodium and other noble metal catalysts.<br>In this paper, the design and preparation of an efficient self-supporting cobalt / molybdenum phosphide heterostructure catalyst is the main research content. Using carbon cloth as self-supporting conductive substrate, the non precious metals were grown on the carbon cloth in situ by gas-phase hydrothermal method. After simple calcination with sodium hypophosphite in argon, the non precious metal catalysts with clear structure characteristics, accurate composition and heterogeneous structure were obtained, showing excellent catalytic hydrogen and oxygen evolution performance of electrolytic water. The specific research contents are as follows:<br>1. Using carbon cloth as self-supporting substrate, urea and ammonium fluoride as etchant, cobalt nitrate hexahydrate as raw material, the precursor of cobalt hydroxide fluoride was synthesized by gas-phase hydrothermal method. The precursor and sodium hypophosphite were calcined in argon atmosphere to synthesize cop / cc nanowires. The product self supported MoO2 / cop / cc heterostructure catalyst was prepared by gas-phase hydrothermal method with cobalt phosphide and sodium molybdate dihydrate.<br>2. The results of XRD, SEM and TEM show that MoO2 / cop / cc nanowires keep the needle like morphology of the original cop / cc nanowires, the surface is rougher, the grains are smaller, and molybdenum oxide is evenly wrapped on the surface of cobalt phosphide nanowires. There is an obvious heterojunction interface between cobalt phosphide and molybdenum oxide, which can increase the specific surface area of the catalyst and provide more exposed active sites. The synergistic effect of molybdenum oxide and cobalt phosphide in the heterostructure is also conducive to improving the electrocatalytic activity.<br>3. The electrochemical performance test shows that the overpotential of cop / cc and MoO2 / cop / cc catalysts is 137 MV and 120 MV respectively when they reach 10 Ma cm-2 current density in hydrogen evolution reaction, and 350 MV and 210 MV respectively in oxygen evolution reaction. The results of electrochemical impedance and ECSA show that MoO2 / cop / CC has smaller impedance and larger specific surface area than cop / cc.<br>4. Design the experimental scheme of preparing multiple groups of comparative experiments by controlling the Mo / CO ratio, and observe the influence of Mo / CO ratio on the formation of heterogeneous structure interface by XRD, SEM, TEM and other morphological characterization. Find the Mo / CO ratio under the best catalytic performance by electrochemical performance test. It provides a promising electrocatalyst for practical application.<br>
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