Weldability of three steel combinations {ferritic (UNS G10800), austen的简体中文翻译

Weldability of three steel combinat

Weldability of three steel combinations {ferritic (UNS G10800), austenitic (UNS G30400) and super duplex stainless steels (UNS S32760)} by pulsed 600 W Nd: Yag laser is presented. The study attempts to explore the effect of two different welding speeds (300 and 400 mm/min) on the nature of diverse weld zone morphology and joint strength of dissimilar welds. Microhardness at the top surface of the weld zone and heat affected zone (HAZ) is superior to middle and root section of welds. Tensile strength of the welds was higher at lower welding speed (300 mm/min) for all combinations and maximum tensile strength is obtained for SS 304-SDSS combination. Maximum and minimum corrosion rates are observed in ferritic steel and super duplex stainless steel, respectively.
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结果 (简体中文) 1: [复制]
介绍了脉冲600 W Nd:Yag激光对三种钢组合{铁素体(UNS G10800),奥氏体(UNS G30400)和超双相不锈钢(UNS S32760)}的可焊接性。该研究试图探索两种不同的焊接速度(300和400 mm / <br>min)对不同焊接区域形态和不同焊接接头强度的影响。焊接区和热影响区(HAZ)顶表面的显微硬度优于焊接的中部和根部。对于所有组合,焊缝的拉伸强度在较低的焊接速度(300毫米/分钟)下均较高,对于SS 304-SDSS组合,可获得最大的拉伸强度。在铁素体钢和超级双相不锈钢中分别观察到最大和最小腐蚀速率。
结果 (简体中文) 2:[复制]
通过脉冲 600 W Nd: Yag 激光器,提出了三种钢组合的焊接性 [铁 (UNS G10800)、澳大利亚 (UNS G30400) 和超级双面不锈钢 (UNS S32760)] 。本研究试图探索两种不同的焊接速度(300 毫米和 400 毫米/<br>min)不同焊接区形态的性质和不同焊缝的关节强度。焊接区和热影响区 (HAZ) 顶部表面的微硬度优于焊缝的中间和根部分。对于所有组合,焊缝的拉伸强度在较低的焊接速度(300 mm/min)下较高,SS 304-SDSS 组合获得最大拉伸强度。铁钢和超双面不锈钢分别观察到最大和最低腐蚀速率。
结果 (简体中文) 3:[复制]
Weldability of three steel combinations {ferritic (UNS G10800), austenitic (UNS G30400) and super duplex stainless steels (UNS S32760)} by pulsed 600 W Nd: Yag laser is presented. The study attempts to explore the effect of two different welding speeds (300 and 400 mm/min) on the nature of diverse weld zone morphology and joint strength of dissimilar welds. Microhardness at the top surface of the weld zone and heat affected zone (HAZ) is superior to middle and root section of welds. Tensile strength of the welds was higher at lower welding speed (300 mm/min) for all combinations and maximum tensile strength is obtained for SS 304-SDSS combination. Maximum and minimum corrosion rates are observed in ferritic steel and super duplex stainless steel, respectively.<br>
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