阅览室规则1. 保持室内安静,注意清洁卫生2. 不准吃零食,吸烟3. 借书时出示身份证或者学生证,每次限借三本4. 不准在图书上乱涂乱画,不的英语翻译

阅览室规则1. 保持室内安静,注意清洁卫生2. 不准吃零食,吸烟3.

阅览室规则1. 保持室内安静,注意清洁卫生2. 不准吃零食,吸烟3. 借书时出示身份证或者学生证,每次限借三本4. 不准在图书上乱涂乱画,不得撕毁书页,如有损坏,照价赔偿5. 不得随意搬动桌椅,离室时关好窗户6. 读者和管理员互相帮助,共同管好阅览室 2016年4月1 日
源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
Reading Room Rules <br>1. Keep quiet, pay attention to hygiene <br>2. allowed to eat snacks, smoking <br>3. present a photo ID or student ID library, every time limit by three <br>4 are not allowed to graffiti on the books, must not tear up the pages, if any damages or compensation <br>5. tables and chairs are not free to move, shut the windows when the ionization chamber <br>6. readers and administrators help each other to jointly manage the reading room <br>April 1, 2016
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
Reading room rules<br>1. Keep the room quiet and pay attention to cleanliness<br>2. No snacks, smoking<br>3. Show your ID card or student ID card when you borrow a book, and you can borrow three copies at a time<br>4. Don't scribble on books, don't tear up pages, if there's damage, pay compensation at the price<br>5. Do not move tables and chairs at will, close the windows when leaving the room<br>6. Readers and administrators help each other and manage the reading room together<br> April 1, 2016
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
Reading room rules<br>1. Keep the room quiet and clean<br>2. No snacks or smoking<br>3. Show your ID card or student card when you borrow books, and limit three copies each time<br>4. It is not allowed to scribble on the book or tear up the pages. In case of any damage, compensation shall be made according to the price<br>5. Do not move tables and chairs at will, and close the windows when leaving the room<br>6. Readers and administrators help each other and jointly manage the reading room<br>April 1, 2016<br>
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