我会继续购买。Tealive是我喝过那么久的品牌,依旧没有任何变化,而且价格用不太高。我不会继续购买。Tiger Sugar给我的初印象并不的英语翻译


我会继续购买。Tealive是我喝过那么久的品牌,依旧没有任何变化,而且价格用不太高。我不会继续购买。Tiger Sugar给我的初印象并不是那么的好,即使我朋友曾经在Tiger Sugar当过员工,他们也向我推荐,可是我依旧不能接受。我会看情况购买。Yomie Yogurt的价格会比较高,如果经济允许的话,我会购买。
源语言: -
目标语言: -
结果 (英语) 1: [复制]
I will continue to buy. Tealive is a brand I have been drinking for so long, and there is still no change, and the price is not too high. <br><br>I will not continue to buy. The initial impression Tiger Sugar gave me was not so good. Even though my friends used to work for Tiger Sugar, they recommended it to me, but I still can’t accept it. <br><br>I will buy it depending on the situation. The price of Yomie Yogurt will be higher, if the economy permits, I will buy it.
结果 (英语) 2:[复制]
I'll keep buying. Tealive is a brand I've been drinking for so long, it's still not changed, and the price isn't too high.<br><br>I won't continue to buy. Tiger Sugar didn't give me that good first impression, and even though my friend had worked as an employee at Tiger Sugar, they recommended it to me, but I still couldn't accept it.<br><br>I'll buy it depending on the situation. Yomie Yogurt will be more expensive, and I'll buy it if the economy allows it.
结果 (英语) 3:[复制]
I'll continue to buy. Tearive is a brand I have been drinking for so long, and it still hasn't changed any more, and the price is not too high.<br>I will not continue to buy. Tiger sugar didn't give me such a good initial impression. Even if my friend had worked as an employee in tiger sugar, they recommended it to me, but I still can't accept it.<br>I will buy it according to the situation. Yomie yogurt will be expensive and I will buy it if the economy allows.<br>
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